Friday, May 1, 2009

I think we're okay?

Iyiyi...what a roller coaster of a week. I foolishly thought this was going a slam dunk after we received Kate's referral and the fast PA, LOA...oh, silly moi!

However, at least as it stands this minute (since things are changing on the dime), it looks like we will still be allowed to travel and hopefully should receive our travel approval from China next week so we can start making arrangements to get our girl. Thanks so much for all your encouraging words and e-mails, it's been such a comfort with the uncertainty of the situation.

Happy May Day and to my fellow Kentuckians...Happy Derby...where all the beautiful people hang the first Saturday in May.


  1. WooHoo! So glad to hear that at this point, things are still a "Go"!!! Will keep praying!

  2. I am also glad to hear you are still on track! Have a great weekend!

  3. Yea! So glad to hear the good news. Let me know if you guys need anything for your upcoming trip!

    Happy May Day and Happy Derby weekend!

  4. Hope all goes as planned and you have your daughter in your arms soon! Have a great weekend.


  5. Eeekkkkk! I haven't been checking your blog, so I'm bummed to see that you've had such a downer week! Here's to good news first thing Monday morning...I need me a good China trip log to follow!

    You guys are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lynn Cranston

  6. That is such good new Melissa.
    Happy Derby Day!!!

  7. Hey Melissa!!!

    Been thinking about you today...and even though I DID get a smile out of the snotty boy heart aches for you and your Kate who is waiting. I posted a little pick me up on my blog in defference to I know you and Leah enjoy dancing as much as me and my Lia...

    Prayers and good thoughts coming your way!!!


  8. Happy Derby Day! That was a pretty surprising win wasn't it? I'm so happy for you that your travel plans are looking good. (I'll admit that at least a teeny bit of that is because I'm right behind you). I can't wait to see you get your beautiful Kate.

    Gin =)

  9. praying all continues to get you to that sweet baby girl

    i love the derby shots~
    always wanted an excuse to wear a fabulous hat like that!!

  10. In Beijing this month!!!!!
    wow wow wow
